- One Horned Rhino are abundant in Nepal - their famous place to live on the Earth!
- They are 5 to 6 feet tall, males slightly larger then females, and they weigh upto 6000 pounds (2700 kg)
- They are the only mammal on the planet with a horn on it's nose!
- Rhino is one of the endangered species. Humans continue to kill Rhino for smuggling its horn which is said to have medicinal values.
Bengal Tigers
- Bengal Tigers love Nepal land - more than 80% of the population live in Nepal.
- Bengal Tigers are one of the most endangered species, today they can be found in less than 15 countries.
- Less than 5000 Bengal tigers are surviving on the planet. (Source : WWF Nepal, 2006)
- The image on the right is an illustration of a paw of a bengal tiger - a remarkable and lovely image for animal lovers.
- Cow is a sacred animal, also the national animal of Nepal
- Cows are worshiped special during festivals such as Tihar
- Cow's dung and Urine are used during Puja (Act of honoring, respecting or worshiping Gods)
- Killing or Eating Cow Meat is a Felony in Nepal
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